China Organization and Personnel News: Lift up the "backbone" of rising talents in Central China - Hubei gathers new momentum for high-quality development with "talent Xing E"
2021-12-21 15:42:45

        1025China Organization and Personnel News published a report, focusing on Hubei provinceTalent attracts talentThe experience of gathering high-quality new growth drivers focuses on the Wuhan International Students Pioneer Park under Optics Valley Financial Holding Group。


  The report mentioned that Wuhan Innovation Park is the first stop for high-level talents at home and abroad to innovate and start businesses in Hubei, linking double innovation resources at home and abroad to establishmakerspace+incubator+accelerator+Industrial parkThe whole chain incubation mode;Docking enterprise financing needs and institutional investment needs, layout孵化+投资Our service model has created an innovation and entrepreneurship ecology with demonstration effect。



      “Strive to build Hubei into an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region”“We will strive to be at the forefront of the country in transforming the mode of economic development”“Strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Hubei in the new era,党的十八大以来,习近平总书记4This visit to Hubei gave a historical mission to Hubei's reform and development in the new era and pointed out the direction of progress。


Regard innovation as life

Make good use of the first resources, stimulate the first power


  As a major province of science and education, Hubei occupies an important position in the national strategic science and technology layout。


  拥Exist college129College students140More than 10,000 people;People engaged in scientific and technological activities34More than 10,000 of them两院院士72People;National key laboratories and other national-level scientific and technological innovation platforms29家。The number of universities, scientific research institutions, state-level scientific and technological innovation platforms and high-level scientific and technological talents in Hubei ranks first in China。


  Innovation means development, and innovation means the future。Ying Yong, secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, has repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the mission of scientific and technological self-reliance, regard innovation and creation as life, grasp innovation and development as desperately, adhere to the systematic planning, education, use, and retention of talents, effectively promote the combination of talent and industrial development, and make good use of the first resources, stimulate the first driving force, and take the first stepBut Chu has talentThe reputation has changed toTalent attracts talentPowerful kinetic energy。


  Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, and firmly grasp the first resource in hand。Adhere to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee,Bimonthly symposiumSpecial research on the talent work system, the establishment of talent work at all levels of the Party committee leading institutions, organized departments to take the lead, formedThere are five pointsThe leadership system and operation mechanism of talent work, the establishment of a talent incentive interview, review, policy evaluation system, etc., supervisionpartnerGrab the first resources。


  树立Great talent viewGather the world's talents and use it。Li Rongcan, member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, introduced that in recent years, Hubei has adhered to the dual grasp of high-end leadership and overall development, overseas talent introduction and local cultivation, and talents within and outside the system, closely focusing on the industry education and talent formation树冠”——Science and technology leaders and innovation teams,树干”——Young scientific and technological talents,根基”——The composition of innovative and entrepreneurial talents is flourishingTalent tree


Innovation system and mechanism

Work for talented peopleDrive innovationFull vitalization


  Reform is the driving force for building a province that is strong in science and technology and strong in talents。Only by breaking the institutional barriers through reform can we fully release the vitality of talents and realize innovation-driven developmentFull vitalization


      218Hubei Science and Technology Innovation Conference was held in this high-level,16An academician and expert became the most beautiful star in the beginning of the year。


  Made in the field of fiber lasers100A number of technological innovation and breakthrough achievements, Wuhan Rayco Fiber Laser Technology Co., LTD. Vice chairman, chief engineer Yan Dapeng was awarded2020Hubei Province Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award, and won the prize200Ten thousand yuan, for talentFame and wealthMade vivid annotations。


  Stimulate the vitality of innovation and use the evaluation of living talentsbatonBe the key。


  Do not look at long introductory materials, the selection can not be reviewed, can not be defended。For more than two months, declare“3551Optical Valley Talent ProgramThe candidates found that this year考法变了。


       7At the end of the month, Optics Valley took the lead in launching talents in the countryRegistration systemAnd talent dynamic evaluationIntegrating systemDrawing on the listing registration system of enterprises, the talent registration system of Optics Valley breaks the requirement of talent settlement见人Talent evaluation must be regularly declared, experts centralized evaluation restrictions, through intelligent means, equipped with dynamic evaluation scoring system, for the portrait of talent。


  Eliminate only papers, only professional titles, only academic qualifications, only awards四唯Shackles, Optics Valley according to different categories and levels of talent, set up different integral evaluation models, especially to strengthen the ability, contribution and other aspects of the integral weight, multidimensional three-dimensional evaluation。The implementation of dynamic registration points system, on the one hand, can be combined with the annual key industry needs, dynamic setting of talent points indicators and weights, service industry;On the other hand, it is also conducive to considering the contribution of talents from the results and outputs, and giving continuous support。Wuhan East Lake high-tech Zone Party Working Committee organization Department deputy minister Yu Jisheng said。


  For the first time, Optical Valley also gives the right to recommend talents to enterprises, scientific research platforms, etc., as long as the employer thinks that it is an important talent for its use, Optical Valley accepts all according to the order。截至922Day, the platform has been accepted near9000People register, accept settled enterprises890家。


Make good use of innovation platforms

Let the value of talents be maximized


  Optics Valley East, Wuhan Future Science and Technology City。


  Landmark buildingCalla lilyStanding firm, constantly release its vigorous vitality of innovation。这朵The flower of new energyIt is the location of Wuhan New Energy Research Institute。Here, one new energy innovation results from the laboratory to the market, one or will rewrite the future energy pattern of innovation is taking place。


       “Both to enhanceChange money into paperThe ability to enhancePaper to moneyTo maximize the ability to stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity。The words of Ying Yong are urgent。In order to fully tap science and education resources, we must promote the transformation of more scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces。


  We will explore new ways to apply scientific and technological achievements in government, industry, universities and research institutes2016Relying on the disciplinary advantages of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and the policies and market resources of Wuhan,Wuhan New Energy Research Institute came into being。The institute is committed to scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and entrepreneurial services in the field of energy, and strives to solve the pain points of transformation subjects, focusing on helping incubating teams and enterprises to complete product research and development, pilot, pilot, process improvement, market expansion, etc., to accelerate the industrialization process。


  Tan Bien, professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Andrew, a fellow of the Royal Society and professor of the University of Liverpool·Cooper set up at the instituteSino-uk Nano-energy Materials Research CenterFocus on the research of organic microporous polymers for applications in water treatment, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, etc。


  Seeing the prospect of this research, the Institute has given many supports。Offered us a place to build it1200A square meter R&D lab, and300Wan's incubation fund support also gave a lot of guidance in terms of team formation。Tan Bien said。At present, their core patents have been evaluated by a third party, and the conversion amount is up to600Yuan yuan, is docking with listed companies to discuss follow-up in-depth cooperation。


  To build a province with strong science and technology and strong talents, it is necessary not only to gather high-level talents with scientific and technological research and development platforms, but also to gather entrepreneurial resources with advantageous service platforms。


  拥有20Many years of history and loud reputation老牌园区——Wuhan International Students Pioneer Park is the first stop for many high-level talents at home and abroad to innovate and start businesses in Hubei


  It has grown from 20 to 30 people when it first arrived200Many people, with the support of the Incubator, in just a few years, Wuhan Xiaoan Technology Co., Ltd. has become one of the top three electric vehicle intelligent solution providers, becoming Wuhan TechnologyThe little Giant


      “The incubator is ours福地Zhang Ying, the company's general manager, was thrilled.Office space, policy publicity, talent recruitment, and various services are very three-dimensional and warm, especially leading us to docking with the government, capital, institutions, etc., on this platform, enterprises can stand higher and go further。


      “Encourage innovation, tolerance of failure, to the needs of entrepreneurs as a guide to do a good job, this is our password to stimulate the vitality of innovation。Wuhan Innovation Park management center director Han Li said。20Over the years, in line with the rapid development of Optical Valley, Wuhan Innovation Park has continuously innovated and upgraded its incubation services, linked double innovation resources at home and abroad, and establishedmakerspace+incubator+accelerator+Industrial parkThe whole chain incubation mode;Docking enterprise financing needs and institutional investment needs, layout孵化+投资The service model has gradually created an innovation and entrepreneurship ecology with demonstration effect in the region, and more and more talents are starting businesses here to realize their dreams and set sail。


Create a high-quality talent ecosystem

涵养Be agreeable at a distanceSoft environment


  The development of a region depends on projects in the short term, policies in the medium term and the environment in the long term。The environment is good, the talent is gathered, the career is prosperous。


  Perfect around the talent chainService chain”“Ecological chainHubei integrates resources to establish a service guarantee system and production and living environment for talents to work happily, live in peace and contentment。In the East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone and other overseas talent gathering areas, Wuhan has accelerated the construction of a number of international schools, international hospitals, international communities, etcNear overseasLiving environment。


       “We insist on showing sincerity, real recruitment, real money, and constantly optimize the environment for talent development, and continue to promote the retention of feelings, treatment, and careerThe near one is happy, and the far one comesGood ecology。The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of Hubei Provincial Party Committee said。


  Ecological excellence, vitality, innovation and development。The 13th Five-Year PlanDuring the period, the number of invention patents in Hubei ten thousand people by4.3Piece increase to10.4Number of technical contract turnover by830.1Hundred million increase1687亿元。Hubei's regional scientific and technological innovation capability ranks first in the country10Bit raised to No8The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress by53.8%Increase to60.33%。国产128QLC 3DFlash memory, Kuaizhou-1 launch vehicle, high beam quality 10 million watt fiber laser and so onCatch sb. by the neckTechnical problems are being broken through……


  In a race of boats, those who row harder are the first。A vivid picture of accelerating the gathering of all kinds of talents, increasing the advantages of science and education resources, and constantly surging innovation and entrepreneurship is slowly unfolding on the land of Hubei。