Hubei Daily: Optical Valley financial control commandos into the construction of East Lake Science City
2022-01-27 11:34:59

Hubei Daily (reporter Zhang Zhenzhen) On January 26, four commandos of Optics Valley Financial Holding Group braved the winter rain to take orders from the frontline headquarters of Hubei East Lake Science City, took over the battle flag from the hands of the commandos of East Lake Science City, went to the site of Optics Valley core science and technology Industrial Park to gather and join the construction of East Lake Science City。


Four assault teams,Core science and technology industrial Park assault commandos will act as advance teams, stormtroopers, death squads,Promote the construction of core industrial park in the fastest speed to get land to start, the fastest speed to complete and put into use;Science and technology guarantee attack commandos to build a large corps of coordinated development of finance and industry,Around the goal of "million chain enterprises" and "ten billion guarantee",Improve the whole financial chain and industrial chain ecology;Industrial investment attack team sprint "light core screen end network", life and health two trillion industrial cluster track,Based on the construction of core industrial park,Invest in key projects,Integration of production and investment, investment promotion, building dream optics valley;Guide fund assault team practice "Optics Valley Venture Capital Guide Fund Ten",Do large-scale, do excellent structure, do a good brand,Impact guide fund 5 years 10 billion, covering 60% of the regional equity financing "156" planning target。

The relevant person in charge of optical Valley Financial holding Group said,The four assault commandos will inherit the spirit of "iron shed" that Optics Valley has dared to try to condense for more than 30 years,Take the initiative,Work together to overcome difficulties,Centering on the annual goal of planning and construction of East Lake Science City and the strategy of "three steps",The strength of the East Lake Science City to become a representative of the country to participate in international competition and cooperation innovation source highland,To build a city of science with core competitiveness, a city of light pursuit with regional radiation, and a city of aspiration with international appeal contribute to Optics Valley Financial holding strength。